A daily break to celebrate our salvation in Yeshua (Jesus) and our abundant life through the Torah


Taking Back our Authority, Part 2

We tend to think of Yeshua’s suffering and his blood in terms of forgiveness of our sins, because he shed his innocent and holy blood to atone for us. This is absolutely true.  But that is just the beginning. We also know that it justified us, sanctified us, cleansed us and so many other things spiritually. Ultimately it puts us in right standing before the Almighty God, so we can be in direct fellowship with him in everlasting life.

That is beyond comprehension, and I am so grateful for that. And… there’s even more – much more.


Taking Back our Authority

I would say that most believers — myself included — either underestimate the spiritual authority they have, or they don’t know how to use it. Either one of those is a WIN for the enemy. It doesn’t matter if we have the power and authority to defeat the enemy, if we’re not using it.  We are no threat to the enemy if we aren’t using the power and authority that Yeshua has given us.

Today, we’re going to raise the threat level against the enemy, because everyone who reads this will understand the authority we have and how to use it.


The Surprising Results of Submission

Submission.  It’s not a very popular word in our society.  Normally we think of someone giving up their will in deference to one with more power.  More recently it seems it’s come to mean someone giving in against their will.  Webster’s defines it as “humbly obedient, ceasing to offer resistance, to defer to another’s wishes.”  Even those definitions don’t sound as bad as the word itself – “submission.”  At least that’s how I felt. Then I began to learn a simple saying, but a difficult lesson:  “The way we submit to our leaders on earth is the way we submit to God.” (Rabbi Kirt Schneider)  Hmm, how am I at submission?  (more…)