A daily break to celebrate our salvation in Yeshua (Jesus) and our abundant life through the Torah

Posts tagged “Altar of Incense

Yeshua is Our Tabernacle

Reflecting on the topic of my recent blog series about our spiritual journey through the tabernacle, I find it impossible to overlook Yeshua’s portrayal of Himself.  The parallels between His identity and the tabernacle are no coincidence.

The tabernacle the Israelites built and carried through the wilderness before entering the Promised Land includes ten pieces that God instructed Moses to arrange inside the courtyard – seven created by man with God’s specific blueprints, and three pieces created by God alone.  The first thing we understand from this is that the tabernacle is a combination of God and man, a place where God and man come together, a foreshadowing of both God and man on earth – a foreshadowing of the Messiah, Yeshua. (more…)

Our Spiritual Journey Inside the Tabernacle – Part 9: The Ark of the Covenant and the Mercy Seat

Ark of the CovenantTo this point in this series we’ve see how YHWH has gone to great lengths to create a path for sinful man to approach His holiness – all with the goal of having His children dwell with Him continually.  This path has led us through the fence surrounding the courtyard, progressing past each piece of furniture in the tabernacle, into the Holy Place and even beyond the thick, heavy curtain that separates the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place.

In this spiritual journey, we’ve entered into a special partnership with YHWH to bring about His will on earth.  Now we’re ready to receive new revelation of our role with Him.  We’re ready to approach His very presence – the Ark of the Covenant. (more…)

Our Spiritual Journey Inside the Tabernacle – Part 8: The Curtain

Inside the Tabernacle

Inside the Tent of Meeting

To this point in our series we have progressed through the tabernacle courtyard into the Holy Place.  We stand in front of the Altar of Incense participating in the spiritual realm to bring about God’s purposes on earth through intercession.

In the Hebrew scriptures intercession was the role of the prophets and priests.  This is a lofty position and a wonderful place to be.  But YHWH wants us even closer.  However, there’s an elephant in the room:  (more…)

Our Spiritual Journey Inside the Tabernacle – Part 7: The Altar of Incense

Inside the Tabernacle

Inside the Tent of Meeting

Having come through the entrance of the courtyard of the tabernacle, progressing from the bronze altar, to the bronze basin, to the menorah, and then the table of showbread, our spirit and our mind are continually being transformed to be more closely aligned to God’s.  We begin to desire more and more of Him.

As we see with His eyes into the spiritual realm, we begin to desire the same things He does.  Our heart becomes more compassionate, our mind more discerning.  We are filled with faith and want to participate in bringing about His will. (more…)

Our Spiritual Journey Inside the Tabernacle – Part 1: Yehovah’s Invitation to Intimacy

Inside the Tabernacle

Inside the Tabernacle

I find that the more I study Yehovah’s character, the better He gets.  He is awesome, holy and righteous, yet loving and patient with us at the same time.  He never stops pursuing us; He desires for us to be in His presence continuously, so that He can reveal more and more of Himself to us.  The tabernacle in the wilderness described in Exodus is a place where we see this character in Yehovah.
