A daily break to celebrate our salvation in Yeshua (Jesus) and our abundant life through the Torah

Posts tagged “spiritual perspective

Working for His Purposes

Image1At one point in my career, I had not been demoted, but it certainly felt that way.  Our administrative help was let go, and I was asked to take on her work in addition to my own.  The new arrangement was working, so there was no hope of it changing any time soon.  But I grew restless and sometimes frustrated.  It also began to change other peoples’ perceptions of my capabilities and my status in the organization.  I considered looking for another job, but in the current economy, this was not the time.

I asked a question I often use to glean answers and direction from God:  “Who in the Bible has felt this way, and what did he or she do about it?”  Two Bible giants came to mind — Joseph and Moses.


Our Spiritual Journey Inside the Tabernacle – Part 7: The Altar of Incense

Inside the Tabernacle

Inside the Tent of Meeting

Having come through the entrance of the courtyard of the tabernacle, progressing from the bronze altar, to the bronze basin, to the menorah, and then the table of showbread, our spirit and our mind are continually being transformed to be more closely aligned to God’s.  We begin to desire more and more of Him.

As we see with His eyes into the spiritual realm, we begin to desire the same things He does.  Our heart becomes more compassionate, our mind more discerning.  We are filled with faith and want to participate in bringing about His will. (more…)

Our Spiritual Journey Inside the Tabernacle – Part 6: The Table of Showbread

Inside the Tabernacle

Inside the Tent of Meeting

So far in this series, we’ve seen that through the functions of the tabernacle’s fence, the bronze altar, the bronze basin and the menorah behind the veil of the Holy Place, God has provided us with faith to believe, the payment for our sin, cleansing with the blood of His righteous Son and a transformed mind, illuminated with a spiritual perspective.

Once we get to this point and begin seeing the world around us from our new spiritual perspective, we realize all that’s available to us in the Spirit.  We realize God is much bigger than we thought.  The world and life in general is not what we thought.  It’s a whole new paradigm.  (more…)

Our Spiritual Journey Inside the Tabernacle – Part 5: The Menorah

Inside the Tabernacle

Inside the Tent of Meeting

So far we’ve seen that God has given us faith to enter through the fence of the tabernacle courtyard into His glorious kingdom.  We’ve found forgiveness through God’s own Son offered on the Bronze Altar.  We’ve taken a good look at ourselves in the Bronze Basin and committed to a new life with God.  And now we want more. (more…)